Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Thought of the Day

Beginnings need variety

"Beginnings can be treacherous. Sometimes I agonize so completely over ever beginning, that I collapse under the covers and say "I give up." Often after this, I get up as if in a trance and sit down with the work. Some kind of shape floats into consciousness, and I focus intently on it, until I recognize how to describe it. If i begin something in one location, and it isn't working, often a movement in any direction will bring in fresh energy. So, I move around a lot.

Begin again...and again...and again."~~Sark

There are so many things that I need to "begin" again. Begin again to organize my life, my home, my personal achievements, my well-being. I have neglected so much of myself, so much of my surroundings. I have wallowed in self woe. I have to "begin" to redefine myself.


Blogger Ruinwen Dagorielle said...

Today is a good time to begin your redefinition with spring starting today. :) Good luck on your journey to your new self.


March 21, 2007  

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