And Then.....
I get a call from Kyle, from school, asking me to pick him up because he broke his finger playing basketball. Sheesh....when does this black cloud hanging over me go away? So, we spent almost 4 hours at the ER. Had x-rays and waited and waited and waited. Then a code blue was called to the ER. Prayers being said. Wait, wait, wait. Finally, we get called back. Computers are down. X-ray can't be read. Wait, wait, wait. They can't read the x-ray as they are all digital now and need the computer to read them. They decide to go ahead and splint, since the treatment is the same whether broken or sprained. Five hours later Kyle is complaining that he wants to take splint off. No, is the response. Why, the debate begins. It needs to stay on to heal, the response. The debate, we don't know it is broken or not. Response, it stays on, go to bed.
I'll put Kyle on my prayer and Reiki list too! I hope things get better from here.
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