Monday, January 22, 2007

My Rotation Schedule

I have made up a rotation schedule for my various knitting projects. Some are current WIP's, but three of them are UFO's. I was going to add the UFO of my grandson's sweater, but since I have only finished the front and he lives in southern CA, I have decided to put that on my list in another couple months or so. Plus, I think the size might be too small for him, so may restart it in a larger size. So (drum roll please) here is my rotation schedule

  • Sunday - Kirstin Sweater for me
  • Monday - Socks for me
  • Tuesday - Corey's Socks
  • Wednesday - Vivian Hoxbro Wing Shawl
  • Thursday - Gigi's (my SIL) 2nd Sock
  • Friday - Afghan
  • Saturday - Mom's 2nd sock

There it is. It is in black and white (Well actually, blue and gray) but it is written down. I can be held accountable. I will achieve!!!

Another One to Add to the UFO Rotation

This is a Vivian Hoxbro Shawl. I started this last March and only have about 1/10th of it done. I love the shadow knitting and can't wait to see this one finished. Go here to see a picture of it:

Another UFO soon to be a WIP :)

This is an afghan that I started last year, and is an UFO (UnFinished Object). It is an Absolutely Fabulous Throw kit, by Colinett, in a color scheme called Nightfall. It has 8 different types of yarn included. I started this about two years ago, if not longer. The pattern is very easy, and I am almost half done. If you would like to do one of these for yourself


Kirstin Sweater

This is one of my UFO's that I want to pick up again. The pattern is called Kirstin's Sweater and is from the Hot Knits book. It is done in Bernat Bling Bling in Moulin Rouge. I already have the back done and am almost done with the left front. So about 1/3 done. The pattern calls for a zipper, but I think I will us buttons instead, as the yarn is fuzzy and the yarn will get caught in it. I found some buttons that are plastic with holes around it, so you can weave yarn around them to match the project. Or maybe, I will just leave it without either.

A Gerbil????

When my husband, David, saw this sitting on a chair, he had to take a double take at just what he was looking at!! He told me it looked like a gerbil :) Actually, it is the beginning of a scarf. I had purchased this yarn a few months ago when I had seen in on sale, and I ran across it when I was sorting my yarn. It is extremely soft and thought it would feel really great around my neck. The yarn is called Moda Dea in colors of black, gray, tan white and beige.

Felting Disaster

My first disaster in felting. Well, actually it wasn't the felting that was the was the yarn. The pattern is called Original Mags Bag, by Bags by Mags and called for 2 skeins of Noro Kureyon and 150 yds. of contrasting wool yarn. Well, here is where I messed up. When ordering the yarn online, for the CC, I picked Falk Dalegarn. I only read that it was 100% wool. Either the website didn't mention it or I didn't notice, but the yarn is 100% machine washable. So, of course the Noro yarn did great on the top of the bag, but the straps and the bottom of the bag look like fish net. I am so bummed because $25 of yarn is wasted, basically. I could probable still use it, but it is an awkward size now. Very disappointing. One thing though ..... I will never make that mistake again!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Mom's Sock

Well, I actually finished this last year, right after Christmas :) I just now finally got around to taking a picture. Now that Mom has broken her ankle, it will be at least another 5 weeks till she will need a pair. They are certainly warm socks. I knitted it with Socks That Rock yarn. Sure will keep her feet warm. Too bad it isn't wide enough to fit around the cast. Been thinking about making her a "toe cozy", but the first time I tried, it wasn't big enough around. Should try that again :)

Long Overdue Post

Seems once again I have neglected my blog. Seems there has been so much going on the past couple months.....Never seem to get it all together at the same time.

My Mom fell on the 3rd while we were looking at some property with Pam, my step-dad's daughter, down the street. Pam is looking to move up here to be near her father, so they had spent a couple days looking at properties.

While Pam and Mom continued to talk to the agent, I had gone for a small walk and had a smoke. I turned and at first I saw my mom, then I didn't. She had slipped down a small grassy area, landed in water and couldn't move. I gave Pam my jacket which is waterproof to try and get under my mom, while I got a ride from the agent back to mom's house. Ran in yelling for Bob and Robert (Pam's son) that mom needed help. We could take my van down to give her a ride home. Went to reach in my pocket and realized that the keys were in my jacket, down the hill. We decided to take Bob's car. Bob got in, Robert and I went around to get in.....How do we get out? My van is parked behind them. Off runs Bob down the hill. Robert, a runner himself, ran back down the hill to retrieve the keys. When he got back, he said we were going to take mom to the hospital. I ran in to get my purse, slipped on the rug, and almost face-planted on the tile floor or into the brick wall. Wrenched my back. Finally we get mom in the car. After a couple hours, x-rays, ice packs and time, we were told she broke her ankle on both sides. Orthopedic surgeon had just taken someone else into surgery, so we were told to call and get an appointment for Friday. They put a splint on and sent her with ice packs to go rest and keep the leg up. Dr. Ended up not wanting to see her until Monday. When we went in they told her she needed surgery and that they would put a plate and screws in. Tuesday morning she had the surgery. One plate and 11 screws.

Snowed Wednesday. Got home from taking Kyle to late start at school and was beginning the day's chores. I then get a call from Corey.....he had been in an accident on his way home from school. Drove to be with him. A tow truck was called by the police officer. When the driver came to pick up the car he asked Corey how he was going to pay. Told him we have AAA. Was it called in as AAA the driver sneered? Not sure as the policeman called it in. Sorry, I can't take it then. Get to the house, man barked at me how are you paying for this? Cash? How much I inquired? Grumpily he told me $255 + tax. How much is it then I asked again. Once again he sneered, reached for his cell and made the call. Oh, it appears that it is really $265 + tax. $288........Shit, I muttered to myself....there goes all our money and payday isn't till the 16th. Asked again about I can't take it now.

Now I am waiting for a form to fill out for reimbursement from AAA for the charges. Wonder how long all this will take???

Now, I am stuck at home, without a car, while Corey goes to school and work. Something unfair about all this. Corey got the fender off last week and David and Corey straighten it out this past weekend. This weekend they plan to straighten out the bumper so that there is room for the fender to be put back on. They still need to figure out what to do about the lighting, as it was also destroyed. But at least he can drive it during the day, to school and then he can have my car for going to work since he works nights. At least I would have the car during the day. Interesting how when you don't have transportation, it seems like you always want to get out. I never went out much anyway, but now it seems that I always have something I want to do.

Another obstacle thrown in my path of life!

Update as of today (although this was written today) the tow company still has not put through the charge for the towing. That was 10 days ago. Wonder what is up with that????

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I've Been Tagged!!!!

Julie tagged me!!! THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you.’ People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog.” Well, we all have some "different" things that would be considered weird to others. So here are mine:

  1. I don't feel right in the passenger seat of the car. I usually do all the driving, so when I'm not, it is an odd feeling for me. Especially when my husband, David drives.
  2. When I eat my sherbert (or sometimes ice cream) or oatmeal,I have to have it in my blue Tupperware bowl. When I can't find one of the two I still have left,(out of 4) I go on the hunt for them.
  3. When I get a soda, at home, I can only have two ice cubes. When we go out, many times I order my soda without ice.
  4. When the lights are left on when no one is in the room. Especially when a couple of the males in my house just have to turn the light on in the bathroom, in the daytime, with the sun shining outside. The light does no good.
  5. On the rare occasion when I go to bed before my husband, I relax relaz until he is in the room. Then no matter how tired I am, it still takes me too long to get to sleep.
  6. When I go to the kitchen sink and it has "stuff" all in it. What is so difficult about rinsing the sink when you are done rinsing a plate, bowl, whatever....

Now, here are the ones that I am tagging!!! Denise, Christine, Lori, Abigale, Heather and Jeanette !!!!