Monday, September 25, 2006

Past due update!

I can't believe it has been so long since I last posted....over a month. Seems like yesterday in some ways, and an eternity in others. Been busy getting Kyle ready to start school. The typical things like registration, buying school supplies and buying new school clothes. Kyle has grown so much in the year that we have been here. He is almost as tall as me now. His voice is officially a young man's....a new teenager!! Corey started his first day at the Olympic Peninsula College today. He is still in pursuit of a part-time job to help pay for his small monthly expenses. David is preparing to take the big exam to get his journeyman license. I have been busy knitting, when I haven't been trying to get myself well. I have been sick for 6 weeks now, and it gets better, then gets worse...much worse. Yesterday David had to take me to the hospital because I couldn't breathe. Thursday I had spent 3/4 of the day in bed, sleeping and fighting a fever. Friday I felt better and did manage to get some errands done. Saturday was a ho-hum day, but by the evening I had severe pains in the left side of my chest. Hard to breathe. Terrible cough. Brought me to tears at times. I went to my room to lay down, thought (hoped) that it was just gas pains. David came and found me and tried to give me a massage to help the pain in my shoulder and to relax me. Seemed to work, until I woke at 1 am in intense pain. I then remembered that I had taken a pain pill shortly before I had gone to my room, and that was what had made me feel better...temporarily, anyway. I propped up a couple pillows, laid on my back and tried to get some more sleep. Well, I don't sleep on my back, so between that and the pain, I didn't rest too well. Got up about 2, took a shower and waited for David to get up. Luckily, he is an early riser, so he was up about 5:30. Told him to eat and have some coffee then take me to the hospital. I love the staff at our small community hospital. They are so understanding, gentle and put you right at ease. I got a chest x-ray, a breathing treatment and then put on oxygen. turns out it wasn't pneumonia, yet. Doctor said it would have been, if we had waited another day or so. So am glad that we went when we did. I had pneumonia 14 years ago, and it was horrible. I should have been in the hospital, but I had 3 young children to care for, and was a single parent. So, only bronchitis. Left with some "good" cough medicine, antibiotics, an inhaler and able to breathe!!!

So there's the update. I am also going to post my recent finish and my current projects. I am still working on the afghan, but put it on the back burner so I could start and finish a gift for my best friend, Kathy, for her birthday. Finished that today. I have also started a pair of socks for my stepmom, Isabel, for her birthday.


Blogger Carol & Christine said...

Gosh Golly Gee, Lady!
I sure hope you're feeling better today. Just take it slow... the house doesn't need to be cleaned, the kids can feed themselves. It wont be doing anyone any good if you do more than you should.

Since you're a female, I can say... You're lying to yourself if you think doing anything out of bed isn't overdoing it. We all do it, yes. But we get better so much faster if we just take it easy. The house can be messy, the dishes undone and the boys hair uncombed. The world wont end, I promise.

Where does you shoulder hurt? Perhaps I can give some pointers as too where he should concentrate his massage on to give more relief for longer.

Feel better!! Prayers and Hugs!!

September 27, 2006  

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