Tuesday, June 06, 2006

This morning I finished the bottom of the felted tote. Now, I have the tedious task of weaving in all the loose ends from the color changes. There are almost 50 ends to weave....this could be an all day task!!! The knitting is going quickly, as it is knit with size 13 needles, so hopefully later today I will have half the sides done. I will have to go to my LYS to pick up some more of the main color. I ordered the pattern and yarn online together, and I would have thought they would have included enough to make this, as they sold the yarn as a kit. I only received 1 skein instead of the 2+ that I need. I know my LYS carries this yarn, but I have to drive 1/2 each way just to get it :( Well, I won't need it today, so I can knit till I do!!


Blogger Carol & Christine said...

I love knitting with my 13's. Everything goes so smoothly and quickly.

Hopefully you will have no problems finding more of the yarn!!

June 13, 2006  

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