My Rotation Schedule
I have made up a rotation schedule for my various knitting projects. Some are current WIP's, but three of them are UFO's. I was going to add the UFO of my grandson's sweater, but since I have only finished the front and he lives in southern CA, I have decided to put that on my list in another couple months or so. Plus, I think the size might be too small for him, so may restart it in a larger size. So (drum roll please) here is my rotation schedule
- Sunday - Kirstin Sweater for me
- Monday - Socks for me
- Tuesday - Corey's Socks
- Wednesday - Vivian Hoxbro Wing Shawl
- Thursday - Gigi's (my SIL) 2nd Sock
- Friday - Afghan
- Saturday - Mom's 2nd sock
There it is. It is in black and white (Well actually, blue and gray) but it is written down. I can be held accountable. I will achieve!!!