Sunday, May 28, 2006

Very interesting. As I was checking my blog to make sure everything posted okay, I decided to click on the fortune cookie on my blog. I was amazed when I read the message the fortune cookie held. "Stupidity will be your downfall." As if I didn't already hate myself for being so dumb. I allowed Buddy access to do his own type of knitting on my completed and in progress works. Now my blog is telling me the same thing. Sheesh!!!!
Well, I did manage to finish my sock yesterday at my class. I read the directions wrong somewhere...I was to rearrange the stitches on the needles after doing the gusset. So, my decreases for the toe, are on the top and bottom of the sock instead of on the sides of the sock. Something also happened when I did the grafting of the toe, and instead of the toe going around the toes, it went if someone had their baby toe as long as their big toe, the sock would be perfect!!! I proudly displayed my sock on my foot when I got home yesterday....but alas....I forgot to take a picture of the completed sock. Remember in my last post about the drama with my dog Buddy? That's right....the completed sock was also in that basket. Now, all I have left is a mangled sock. I'll be back later.....
I am so angry at myself right now. In two separate nights, I managed to forget to put my knitting basket up, and have lost 4 sets of Addi circular needles, to my dog Buddy. Now, in case you don't know....these needles are very expensive. The only reason I bought them is for socks. They glide so easily and make the knitting of socks on circulars very easy. And to make matters worse, he attacked the basket with the same yarn for socks, so the yarn is a total mess. The first time, I found the yarn strewn all over the backyard, in separate masses. He did manage to keep the knitted part in tact.....but have you ever tried to pick up the stitches when knitting in the round with 2 circs???? Not easy to do. So, I picked up all the piles, rewound them into balls, and thought to myself that I only had 3 balls, so I could probably manage to get a sock knitted, with very little joins. So, I restarted the sock, with a NEW set of circs, and managed to get about 20 rows done. This morning, hubby told me that Buddy had gotten to my basket again......yes....tore up the 2 sets of needles and yarn all over the living room. I am afraid to look at the yarn....Maybe this is some divine intervention...this yarn is not meant to be socks.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Well, here it is, I am ready to do the toe on my sock. It is hard to see the design in this pic, but that can be seen in a previous post! The sock is a little big around the ankle, but for around the house, it will be fine. After all, it is my first attempt at a sock, so am pretty pleased, even after all the frogging I did on it. Saturday, I will have a completed sock to share with all of you!!!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

I am finally done with the front of the sweater for Donovan. This is knitted on size 2 needles, and is 174 rows wide. I just love the yarn. It is Merino 2000. It is really soft and should be a very comfortable sweater for Donovan to wear. It is worked from side to side. I hope to start the back some time this week. Have some work to do on my class sock first!!

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Well, here it is....I finally got to the heel flap and the heel turn!!! I am still unsure of what the teacher is trying to teach me....but I am knitting away! She does make some remarkable socks, so it must be me :) But it is fun to just go and be with woman that share like interests!!! Now, I just have to figure out how to pick up the gusset stitches. Nora (the teacher) is going to meet me at the LYS on Tuesday to figure it out. I lost some time in class because somehow when I knitted the heel flap, my sock was inside frogged it all and had to redo the 20 rows. So, I will let Nora show me the "basic idea" about picking up the gusset stitches. Will let you know how it goes!!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Well, I didn't feel like going to Weight Watchers this week.....I seem to be in an internal battle with myself. I am sabotaging myself, by not doing what I need to do, and then being mad at myself for not doing what I need to do. I know what I need to do.....I know I will feel better....I know there are things I want to do as a smaller person....I know my health will benefit....I know I have more clothes that I can't wear than I can....I know I want to see my feet....I know I hate what the scale says....I know....I know....I know. Then there is the other side....I don't want to count points, I know I don't meet the daily requirements ( I tend to not eat), I can't drink that much water....I can't eat that much everyday, I can't get out and walk by myself.....I can't.....I don't....

Monday, May 15, 2006

Progress on my sock, after a zillion do-overs. It is going to have to stay the way it is, as I have my second class on Saturday. Quite frankly, I am soooo done with "frogging" that I just want to get this done before I never try another sock again. I am frustrated that the join area has a ladder, but I think I have finally figured out how to make it less noticeable, so will try again with the mate.

Mother's Day 2006. My stepdad Bob, my mom Pat, me and hubby, David.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

These are the wonderful roses that my son Corey got me for Mother's Day. A complete surprise, as they were delivered this morning!! I also got a two CD set of Barry White. I had lost one of them, my favorite one, and Corey replaced them for me. I spoke to my oldest daughter Kristen, and grandson Donovan, this morning on the phone. Also chatted with youngest daughter Katelin on chat. Hubby David got me some carnations to plant in my garden. I have a great family. Thanks all.

We have a new visitor to our workshop. A momma raccoon decided to have her litter in the rafters. We only get to see her eyes and not the little ones. We sure can hear them though. Maybe 3 or 4 of them. Hard to tell. Guess she gets to stay where she is.....I don't want to try and move her...ever been attacked my a momma raccoon? Either have I, but not about to find out :)

Monday, May 08, 2006

I took a sock class on Saturday at my LYS. It is done on two circular needles, size 2. Making socks seems to be all the rage in the knitting community.....thought I should see what it is all about!!! After many attempts at starting and picking the right yarn, I settled right into pace on this. Unfortunately I think the way the teacher was explaining the technique was very confusing. I went to on online knitting site, to see for myself the way to do it. It all made sense after that. I have about 20 rows before I get to the heel. I have 2 more classes to take, with a week off. Plenty of time to get it done

Although I had to take out 16 rows on this the beginning of the week, I did manage to make some great progress on Donovan's sweater. I have about 50 rows to go before I finish the front.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Well, my first weigh-in was today :( I didn't do as well as I had hoped. I can only hope that the reason could be water retention from that certain time of month (GRRR). My hardest task through all of this is making myself eat. I have had poor eating habits for so many years....Sometimes going 2 or more days surviving on only coffee. That's right. I could go 2-3 days without eating, and not think anything about it. That was a few years ago. Lately, I never eat breakfast, rarely eat lunch and then eat dinner. My goal this week is to make myself eat 3 times a day, and have nutritional snacks. Oh....And the water.....I must drink more water. I will not get discouraged. I will get results. That is my new mantra!!!!

Monday, May 01, 2006

My progress on Donovan's sweater as of 4/30/06. I have 84 rows done on size 2 needles, 100 stitches. It is hard to see, but in the center, the pattern changes to a light on dark. The rest is dark on light. It only has two colors, but the pattern makes it look like more.